Nouns - Plural Nouns


Many French nouns construct the plural from the singular by adding -s.
I've decided to look over the human body, comparing plurals to singulars, to look for "-s" plurals and other plurals.

le cheveu the hair les cheveux the hairs problem- the translator made "hair" into a plural
le front the forehead les fronts the foreheads -s
le sourcil the eyebrow les sourcils the eyebrows -s
l'oeil the eye les yeux the eyes unique
le nez the nose les nez the noses no change
l'oreille the ear les oreilles the ears -s
la bouche the mouth les bouches the mouths -s
la tête the head les têtes the heads -s
le cou the neck les cous the necks -s
le bras the arm les bras the arms no change
la main the hand les mains the hands -s
le doigt the finger les doigts the fingers -s
la poitrine the chest les poitrines the chests -s
le mamelon the nipple le mamelons the nipples -s
l'estomac the stomach l'estomacs ?? the stomachs -s ??
la hanche the hip les hanches the hips -s
le pénis the penis les pénis the penises no change
le vagin the vagina les vagins the vaginas -s
la cuisse the thigh les cuisses the thighs -s
la jambe the leg les jambes the legs -s
le pied the foot les pieds the feet -s
l'orteil the toe les orteils the toes -s
We didn't find too many exceptional plurals when we looked at the parts of the body, so we'll move on to a list of the basic types:

-al changes to -aux
le cheval the horse les chevaux the horses
le mal the evil les maux the evils

For most -ail nouns, they add -s, but a few add -aux Only one was a common word
le travail the work les travaux the works

-au and -eu add -x
le château the castle les châteaux the castles