Verbs - The first 25 verbs

The First 25 verbs

Originally, this list of words was from our Spanish pages. We will add words from French, German and Portuguese to it. This will be a good time to show that when going from one language to another, the correspondence between verbs is not one to one. One language may define a verb for an action, and another may split that action into two or more verbs. For example, the Spanish "nadar" only tells you that someone is in the water, whereas, in English we split this into "swim" and "float", depending on if the person is using their arms and legs, or just positioning themself motionlessly.

to ask (a favor) pedir (un favor) demander (un service) pedir (um favor) um zu fragen (eine Gunst)
to ask (a question) preguntar (una pregunta) poser (une question) perguntar (uma pregunta) um zu fragen (eine Frage)
to be (permanent condition) ser être ser sein
to be (temperary conditions) estar être estar sein
to dream soñar rêver sonhar träumen
to drink beber boire beber trinken
to eat comer manger comer essen
to embrace abrazar embrasser abraçar umarmen
to have tener avoir ter haben
to live vivir vivre viver leben
to love amar aimer amar lieben
to make hacer faire fazer machen
to ought to, must deber devoir dever müssen
to pick coger choisir escolher auszuwählen
to put poner mettre pôr setzen
to run correr courir correr laufen
to say decir dire dizer sagen
to see ver voir ver sehen
to sleep dormirse dormir dormir schlafen
to swim nadar nager nadar schwimmen
to understand entender comprendre entender verstehen
to walk caminar marcher caminhar gehen
to want querer vouloir querer wollen
to write escribir écrire escrever schreiben