French has two genders, masculine and feminine.

  • Some French adjectives are converted from feminine to masculine by removing the -e.
  • For some adjectives, there is no change from feminine to masculine.

  • Some French masculine adjectives end with -euse in the feminine, this changes to -eux for the masculine.

    To create examples for you to compare masculine adjectives to feminine adjectives, we use the nouns "man" and "woman" and then we pick virtures that can seen in both genders.

    L'homme autoritaire. La femme autoritaire.
    L'homme courageux. La femme courageuse.
    L'homme compatissant. La femme compatissante.
    L'homme courageux. La femme courageuse.
    L'homme rusé. La femme rusée.
    L'homme intelligent. La femme intelligente.
    L'homme dur. La femme dure.
    Le gentil homme. La gentille femme.
    L'homme passif. La femme passive.
    L'homme voluptueux. La femme voluptueuse.
    L'homme doux. La femme douce.
    Le fort homme. La forte femme.
    L'homme compréhensif. La femme compréhensive.
    The assertive man. The assertive woman.
    The brave man. The brave woman.
    The compassionate man. The compassionate woman.
    The courageous man. The courageous woman.
    The devious man. The devious woman.
    The intelligent man. The intelligent woman.
    The hard man. The hard woman.
    The kind man. The kind woman.
    The passive man. The passive woman.
    The sensuous man. The sensuous woman.
    The soft man. The soft woman.
    The strong man. The strong woman.
    The understanding man. The understanding woman.