Pronounciation of Vowels - Dipthongs
In a dipthong, vowels are classified as either strong or weak. The
strong vowel dominates the sound that you make.
Strong vowels: a, e, and o
Weak vowels: i, u, and y
Examples with the strong vowel followed by a weak vowel:
- ai - bailar
- au - gaucho
- ay - hay
- ei - reinar
- eu - deudar
- ey - ley
- oi - oigo
- oy - soy
Examples with a weak vowel followed by a strong vowel:
- ia - diablo
- ie - hierro
- io - serio
- ua - cuatro
- ue - bueno
- uo - antiguo
The author is not aware of any words with a dipthong starting with 'y'.
Examples of two weak vowels:
- iu - ciudad
- ui - cuidar
- uy - muy
If you find a word with a dipthong consisting of two strong vowels
together, please email the author of this page! (there aren't
supposed to be any. :)