Magellan - A Tripulação

Magellan - The Crew

Anos depois, quando perguntou por que eles tinham sido escolhidos ser os primeiros humanos para tentar viagem espacial, Capitão Jennifer Hyatt-Deckard e Marisa Louisa Lopez encolheria os ombros os ombros delas e diz que tinha sido a sorte que ganha a loteria.

Years later, when asked why they had been chosen to be the first humans to attempt space travel, Captain Jennifer Hyatt-Deckard and Marisa Louisa Lopez would shrug their shoulders and say that it had been the luck that wins the lottery.

Capitão Deckard era conhecido pela atitude conservadora dela, a mente calculando dela, e o problema dela que resolvem habilidades. Marisa tinha sido o companheiro de quarto de Deckard na academia militar do Americas unido. Ela era o mais falador dos dois. Tinham sido oferecidas ambos para bolsas de estudos a freqüentar a Universidade prestigiosa do Americas Unido--o Buenos Aires.

Captain Deckard was known for her conservative attitude, her calculating mind, and her problem solving skills. Marisa had been Deckard's roommate at the Military Academy of the United Americas. She was the more talkative of the two. Both had been offered scholarships to attend the prestigious University of the United Americas -- Buenos Aires.

Marisa era mais provável sugestionar tentando algo novo, e foi discutido que o entusiasmo dela foi precisado equilibrar a reserva de Jennifer.

Marisa was more likely to suggest trying something new, and it was argued that her enthusiasm was needed to balance Jennifer's reserve.

Comando Central tinha decidido que uma vez um time era escolhido, que time estaria presente a encontros todo novos para construir experiência. O time seria dado um navio pequeno e seria enviado para explorar uma série de planetas. Quando a próxima astronave de geração estava completa--provável um navio significativamente mais rápido que o último--seria enviado para rondevous com o navio prévio, e eles subiriam a bordo isto e levariam comando.

Command Central had decided that once a team was chosen, that team would be present at all new encounters, in order to build up experience. The team would be given a small ship and sent out to explore a series of planets. When the next generation space ship was complete--most likely a ship significantly faster than the last--it would be sent out to rondevous with the previous ship, and they would board it and take command.

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